Save time finding and managing the business licenses you need

We make it easy to find the right licenses, permits, and registrations to operate legally and to effortlessly manage your ongoing licensing needs directly from your account. Find and manage your business licenses for $99/year*

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Brunette white woman wearing a blue ruffled tank top helping a brunette White man with a beard wearing a blue button up shirt packing a wine shipment after getting their business license through LegalZoom.

Why use LegalZoom to find and manage business licenses?

With such complex licensing requirements to research, it can be hard to know where to start. Get specialized help so you can be confident you'll find the licenses, permits, and registrations you need to operate legally.

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Know you have what you need for your business. We’ll identify the federal, state, and local licenses and permits that your business legally requires and deliver a personalized report.
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Access to required license and permit applications, simplifying and expediting the process of having to navigate over 75,000 federal, state, and local jurisdictions, saving you time and hassle.

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Notifications about changes to your license report requirements and reminders about upcoming renewal deadlines to help you stay compliant.

Find and manage the business licenses you need

Business License Report and Management
Find my business licenses
A customized summary of the federal, state, and local licenses, permits, and registrations required for your business
Details about each license, permit, and registration, and its importance to your business
Ongoing notifications of license report updates for any licensing requirement changes and deadlines

Ability to effortlessly manage your licenses by uploading, viewing, and sharing all from one place

How to get business licenses & permits with us in 3 easy steps

Knowing which permits, licenses, and registrations you need—and applying for them correctly—is key to running your business legally.

Tell us about your business

Answer a few simple questions about your business and where it operates so your report is personalized and as accurate as possible.


Receive your custom report

You’ll get a personalized report with helpful details about each of the licenses, permits, and registrations you may need.


Apply for your licenses

Your report includes links to apply for each license or permit, as well as helpful instructions on how best to do so.

Black woman with curly hair wearing a white t-shirt and a blue and white pinstriped apron working in a café and  smiling because she got her business license from LegalZoom as she hands a woman with brown hair wearing a tan shirt her order.
Black woman with curly hair wearing a white t-shirt and a blue and white pinstriped apron working in a café and  smiling because she got her business license from LegalZoom as she hands a woman with brown hair wearing a tan shirt her order.
Black woman with curly hair wearing a white t-shirt and a blue and white pinstriped apron working in a café and  smiling because she got her business license from LegalZoom as she hands a woman with brown hair wearing a tan shirt her order.
What is a business license?

Nearly every business requires at least one license to operate.

For example, if you want to operate your business from home, you may need a home occupation permit. A restaurant typically needs a health permit in addition to an alcohol and food service license—and may even want a music license to host shows. If you open a shop, you may need a seller's permit and a sales tax license.

Licenses and permits protect your business from penalties and risk of closure, as well as help customers feel reassured it's safe to do business with you.

Find my business licenses

Why get help with your business licenses?

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Focus on what matters
Concentrate on running and growing your business instead of researching complex licensing requirements—let our license specialists handle that.
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Avoid fines

Not having the right licenses and permits in place can result in penalties and fines, costing your business money and risking potential closure.

shield with a check icon

Enjoy peace of mind

Notifications about changes to your license report requirements and reminders about upcoming renewal deadlines to help you stay compliant.

What is a federal business license?

You need to register for a federal license if a federal agency requires one for your specific business activity.

For example, federal agencies issue industry-specific federal licenses to companies in certain sectors, like alcohol manufacturers, retailers and commercial fishing.

What is a state business license?

You may need to apply for a state business license if your state agency is responsible for regulating any of your business activities.

This varies between different industries and sectors, but state requirements to conduct business can generally include seller’s permits and liquor licenses. You may be subject to certain environmental regulations that require you to submit a business license application.

What is a local business license?

You may need to apply for a local business license if some or all of your business activities are regulated at city, county, and local government levels.

Local authority rules vary, but business activities that are regulated at the local level typically can include zoning permits, building permits, fire alarms, and sales tax permits.

Find my business licenses
Black woman with her hair pulled back with a headband, wearing a flowy orange blouse and flowy white pants. Looking at her laptop and getting her business license from LegalZoom.
Black woman with her hair pulled back with a headband, wearing a flowy orange blouse and flowy white pants. Looking at her laptop and getting her business license from LegalZoom.
Black woman with her hair pulled back with a headband, wearing a flowy orange blouse and flowy white pants. Looking at her laptop and getting her business license from LegalZoom.
Man standing behind a professional camera setting up a photoshoot with two women after getting his business license though LegalZoom.
Man standing behind a professional camera setting up a photoshoot with two women after getting his business license though LegalZoom.
Man standing behind a professional camera setting up a photoshoot with two women after getting his business license though LegalZoom.
How do I get a business license?

After you determine which licenses, permits, and registrations are required for your business, you'll need to begin the process on the authority's website. You may also need to provide business documents like your official business name, tax ID, financial information, business insurance details, and more.

With our service, you get a personalized report of which licenses, permits, and registrations your business needs. You'll also get direct access to the relevant applications and helpful instructions to help you save time and money.

How long does it take to get a business license?
The amount of time it takes to get a license can vary, depending on whether it is a local, state or federal license and also on what industry the license is for.

To help speed up the process, you can get a customized report on which business licenses you may need. This can help you save time researching complex licensing requirements and get straight to applying.

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Frequently asked questions
Ready to get started with business licenses?
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What our customers are saying

As a first-time LLC owner, I was extremely impressed with how easy and straightforward LegalZoom made it for me

— Edward H., business license customer

I needed to get compliant and licensed fast for partnership programs. LegalZoom made sure I didn't miss a beat.

— Jordan S., business license customer

LegalZoom was great to work with when forming my LLC. They made the process very easy and quick.

— Lindsay W., LLC customer

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*The service renews automatically each year and is billed to your card. Renewal prices are subject to change. You can cancel renewals anytime by visiting your LegalZoom account or by calling us at (855) 692-3700. For more details, please see our Subscription Terms.