File your articles of amendment today
If you have a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or nonprofit, you can update your business name, address, and more by filing articles of amendment with your state in a few simple steps.
Articles of amendment start at $129 + filing fees.
Creation of your articles of amendment
Filing with the state
Creation of your articles of amendment
Filing with the state
Expedited processing of your paperwork
Why use LegalZoom to file an article of amendment?
Compliance with experience
Trust that your articles of amendment will be prepared correctly. Since 2001, we've helped small business entrepreneurs and nonprofits successfully file over 100,000 articles of amendment!
Our simple process makes filing an article of amendment a breeze. Answer a few questions and we'll handle the rest. You can focus on making your small business goals a reality.
Time savings
Your business or nonprofit grows with you. When it comes time to make a change, our worry-free service includes up to two additional amendments for a year. $0 extra cost.
3 easy steps to file articles of amendment with LegalZoom
Answer a few questions
Tell us about your LLC, corporation, or nonprofit, and what business details you want to update—another term for “amend”—in your articles of amendment.
We handle the paperwork
Take it easy. We'll create your articles of amendment and file them with your state.
We'll send your filed amendment in the mail
That’s it! Once your articles of amendment have been filed, we'll send you a copy for your records.
See examples of
Why should I make an amendment to my LLC, corporation, or nonprofit?
Ensure compliance
You must update your state on any changes—or “amendments”—to your LLC or corporation’s official documents.
Build credibility
Your business articles are public, so keep your contact information current for partners, vendors, and lenders.
Avoid penalties
Not filing amendment forms in a timely manner can result in penalties and costly fees. Avoid unnecessary business costs with our small business expertise.
What are articles of amendment?
Articles of amendment officially update—or “amend”—important details in an LLC, corporation, or nonprofit’s original articles of organization or incorporation. These changes are typically registered with your Secretary of State.
An amendment is required when a business changes its:
principal address
registered agent name and address
management structure (for LLCs)
number of shares (for corporations)
contact information for members, managers, officers, or directors
Ready to file articles of amendment?