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How LegalZoom's Tax Help Guide Can Assist You All Year Long
To prepare your business taxes, we've provided a few resources to get you ready. Get your business ready for taxes Gather your income and expenses First, gather your income and expense documents. This could be from bank statements, credit card statements, invoices, or receipts.
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Make Signing PDF Documents Easy with LegalZoom
With LegalZoom eSignature service, customers can digitally sign documents and share them with others who need to see them and sign them.
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Tax Avoidance vs. Tax Evasion: What Business Owners Need to Know
We all want to minimize our tax burden, but the difference between legal tax avoidance and illegal tax evasion can mean hefty fines and maybe even a prison sentence.
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Trademark Cease and Desist Letter Packet: A How-To Guide
1. Overview You’ve started a business, established a brand name, and built up a strong reputation for quality and service. Unfortunately, your competitors may not be willing to let you walk away with a strong market position. In some cases, those companies may want to cash in on the hard work that you’ve put into growing your business, using a brand name or symbol that looks enough like yours to cause confusion among your customers and the public at large.
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Letter of Intent for Business Transaction: A How-To Guide
1. Overview Before settling on the final terms of an agreement, negotiating parties may choose to provide a written starting point, setting out a first offer and some general terms. This initial written document is called a letter of intent (sometimes also called a memorandum of agreement or a memorandum of understanding). A letter of intent sets out the basic terms of a proposed transaction, including price, asset description, limitations, and closing conditions.
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Washington Community Property Agreements
Community property is a principle of law applicable in Washington and eight other states. In these states, a spouse or registered domestic partner owns 50% of all property acquired during the marriage or domestic partnership. Read on to learn exceptions to the rule.
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