Court Cases
Take a tour through landmark court cases to see how they shaped or reshaped the legal landscape.
Objection: Hearsay! What Is the Hearsay Rule, and What Are the Exceptions to It?
Hearsay evidence is typically inadmissable in legal proceedings, but there are exceptions.
· 3 min read
What Kind of Power Does the UN Wield Internationally?
Although the roles and regulations of the United Nations are constantly challenged, the U.N. is the only forum where nations from all over the world can gather to discuss important issues involving international peace and security. Its primary mission is the same today as it was when it was formed in 1945—to maintain world peace.
· 4 min read
Criminal Defenses: Excuse and Exculpation Defenses
You're on trial for a crime, but you don't think you should be convicted even though yes, you did commit the crime. Is this possible? Absolutely.
· 8 min read
Beat a Speeding Ticket: What You Need to Know
Know your options when it comes to tickets. The next time those flashing lights are meant for you, rest assured that you have more of a defense than how well you can cry.
· 4 min read
Take 'Em to Court: Suing in Small Claims Court
Give yourself the best possible chance of prevailing on your claim in small claims court by understanding the process and being prepared.
· 5 min read
Suing in California Small Claims Court: Step by Step
Almost any dispute can be taken to small claims court, provided the amount of money requested falls within the maximum allowed by California law.
· 4 min read
Collecting Your Small Claims Judgment
You may have won your small claims case, but now you need to collect.
· 4 min read
Small Claims Court: How to Get Your Security Deposit Back
By following these steps to file a complaint in small claims court, you'll have the best chance of having your security deposit returned to you.
· 5 min read
Plea-Bargaining in Capital Murder Cases: Is It Fair to Victims?
Plea-bargaining in capital murder cases saves taxpayers millions in court costs. But, does it provide justice for victims or their families?
· 4 min read
Attractive Nuisances: How to Avoid Liability for Dangerously Tempting Objects
On hot summer days, there are few things more enticing to children than a vacant swimming pool. And this could spell disaster if you haven't taken reasonable precautions to keep the neighborhood youngsters out of your yard. In fact, you could be looking at a very serious lawsuit if one of them takes an illicit swim while you're away and becomes injured. The reason? Swimming pools fall under a special class of objects known as attractive nuisances.
· 3 min read