What is a DBA?
If the owners of a company want to do business using a name that is different from the original name used to form the business, they must register the secondary name. For sole proprietorships and partnerships the original name is the actual name of the owner or partners.
This secondary name doesn’t replace the original name but acts as an additional, legal name for the business. This name is known by several terms such as trade name, fictitious business name and assumed name. The process for filing this name is often called filing for DBA registration, or doing business as.
For example, if “Kansas City Tax Corp” wants to do business as “Fast Tax Filers” then the owners have to file a DBA.
When you need a DBA
The State of Kansas has no formal process for registration of a DBA on the state level, so DBA registration usually occurs on the local or county level. Each county also determines if a DBA filing is required. You should consult the governmental authorities in your county, usually the county clerk, to determine if the filing of a DBA is beneficial or even necessary.
Setting up a DBA in Kansas
In most states, the DBA registration process begins with a search of statewide database. Although Kansas does not have a formal DBA filing process on the state level, it does have a database useful for searching to determine if the proposed DBA name is available. Even if you decide not to file for a DBA, researching a business name before you start using it is usually a good idea. There are federal and other state laws, such as trademark laws, that may prevent you from using someone else’s registered business name.
Kansas DBA forms, filing & registration
There is no particular form that a business will need to fill out. Contact the local county clerk in the county or counties where you do business, and determine whether a filing is possible, or even required.
Tax considerations
Getting a trade name registered by filing a DBA doesn’t change how your company is taxed.
If you’re ready to file a DBA, LegalZoom can help you get started today. We can help you file the paperwork with your state and can get you in touch with an attorney or tax professional to answer specific questions.