What is a DBA?
If a business wants to operate with a different name than the one used to form the business, it may have to register the new name (called a trade name or fictitious name). This process is often called filing for a DBA, or doing business as. For example, if “Frank’s Hot Dogs LLC” wants to do business as “Best Hot Dogs in Town” then the owners have to file a DBA.
When you need a DBA
The State of Wyoming does not require the filing of a DBA designation in order for a business to operate under a DBA within the state. That said, Wyoming does provide allow companies can register for a DBA if they wish.
Businesses might decide to do this even though it isn’t required for a number of reasons, including the ability to open a bank account under the fictitious name, clear up any confusion with another business, and to enter into contracts with the business name.
Setting up a DBA in Wyoming
The DBA registration process begins by checking the state database of business names to see if the name you’d like to use is available.
If the name you want is available, you can go here to obtain the necessary form to register the trade name. The form also has some helpful instructions for filing and using of the trade name in commerce.
Wyoming DBA filing & registration
You must provide the trade name to be registered, the name of the applicant for the trade name, the business address of the applicant for the name, the general nature of business conducted by the applicant-business, and the date the name was first used in Wyoming (use of the name in Wyoming must occur before registration can be obtained).
Tax considerations
Getting a trade name registered by filing a DBA doesn’t change how your company is taxed.
When you are ready to file a DBA in Wyoming, LegalZoom can help you get started. We can search registered business names for conflicts, file the paperwork on your behalf, and get you in touch with business attorneys that can help you resolve specific questions.