As an owner of a registered trademark, you have a variety of options when selling the mark, including at a trademark auction. Auctions are a great tool for finding buyers but require trademark owners to know—and prove—the value of their intellectual property.
What is a trademark auction?
Like a traditional auction, a trademark auction gives buyers a chance to bid on a registered trademark for sale. In-person auctions are efficient ways to put your trademark in front of a wide variety of buyers. And online trademark auctions will put your trademark in front of a wide variety of potential buyers from all around the world.
As you consider auctioning a trademark, be sure to consider what trademark auction info potential buyers may need.
For example, information from your customers as to what your name or logo means to them or a strategic vision of how that trademark can grow with your business are essential pieces of information to show buyers that your trademark has value.
The value of an online trademark auction
A website like the U.S. trademark exchange shows how the internet brings buyers and sellers together. Finding a buyer is often the hardest part of selling a trademark. Auctions help solve that problem by gathering an audience seeking trademark names for sale. Finding an interested potential buyer, however, is only the first part of the process.
But when you fill out the U.S. trademark exchange form, you need to do so carefully, and provide relevant information about how someone might make money with this mark, and highlight the value of the property.
What is the value of a trademark for sale?
Remember, a trademark is intellectual property that protects a relationship between customers and businesses. A great tip when determining how to price a trademark for sale is to understand what makes that relationship valuable. Does your trademark create a strong impression with your customers? Do your customers see your goods or services as unique and valuable when compared to your competitors'? Does the trademark have the flexibility for the business to expand within or into new products?
In addition to your business's sales and growth, consider surveying your customers to get a better sense of their experience of your trademark. If a survey is impractical, look at how your customers interact with your social media or even review your service online to provide more information.
The best way to get the most value out of your trademark is to get it in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Auctions, especially online auctions, are a very effective way to get your trademark out there.