We've got the right package for you

To view local and state filing fees, select where you'll do business.


$99 + state filing fees



$119 + state filing fees

What's included
What's included

Preliminary name search (where required)

If it's required in your state, our first step in forming your DBA will be to check your state's official database to find out if the name you want is available.

Completion and filing of your DBA application

LegalZoom will prepare your DBA application, and file it with the appropriate government office.

Publication of your business name (if required in your state)

In states that require publication of new DBAs, LegalZoom will publish your DBA statement in the appropriate newspaper.

Filing your proof of publication (if required in your state)

For states that require newspaper publication, LegalZoom will forward you the proof of publication, and a duplicate copy of your DBA statement. If your county requires proof of publication, LegalZoom will file it with them at no additional charge.

Tax consult

1-800Accountant consult to discuss tax savings services.

Customizable website powered by Wix

Our partner Wix will generate a professional, fully-functional website that you can customize to your needs in minutes.

Business Attorney Plan

Unlimited 30-minute attorney consultations about new legal topics related to your business (first 30 days of subscription included).

Attorney help

  • Hands-on guidance from an experienced business attorney that you choose based on state, years of experience, and rating
  • Contract and other legal document reviews (up to 10 pages)

Additional benefits

  • 10% discount off LegalZoom products
Carolyn, Attorney serving NY, 19 years experience

Attorneys with you, every step of the way

With an average of 15 years of experience and an average customer rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, you can trust our network attorneys to give you the help you need.