Compare trademarks, copyrights, and patents to know exactly what you need.
Protection type | Summary | Key benefits | How long it lasts |
TrademarkGet started | Protects business and product names, logos, and slogans For business and product owners Attorney assistance available | No one else can use your trademark to sell similar products/services You can file a federal lawsuit to stop competitors from using and profiting from your mark Allows you to use the ® symbol and notify the public of your ownership | Can last forever, but must file maintenance forms at 5 years, 10 years, and every 10 years after that |
CopyrightGet started | Protects books, articles, plays, films, songs, photos, art, architectural works, software, etc. For authors, artists, architects, and other creative professionals Must be an actual piece of work, ideas alone cannot be registered Attorney guidance available | Publicizes and helps prove your ownership You can file a federal lawsuit against anyone who uses or profits from your work without permission | Typically lasts the creator’s lifetime, plus 70 years (can’t be renewed) |
Provisional patent applicationGet started | Temporarily protects your rights to an invention until you can file for a formal utility patent For inventors who aren’t ready to file for a utility patent You can immediately start labeling your invention as "patent pending" Attorney assistance available | Keeps others from getting rights to your invention before you’re able to file a formal application Saves a filing date with the USPTO | Lasts for one year (can’t be renewed, but you can refile) |
Utility patentGet started | Protects inventions, including machines, manufactured goods, processes, and chemical formulas For inventors Attorney assistance included | Prevents others from making, using, or selling your invention without permission Patents are considered property so you can sell or license yours | Lasts 20 years (can’t be renewed) |
Design patentGet started | Protects how a product looks For inventors and designers Attorney assistance included | Prevents others from making, using, or selling your design without permission Patents are considered property so you can sell or license yours | Lasts 15 years (can’t be renewed) |
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