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Pet sitting agreement: How-to guide

Pets (like humans) are most comfortable in their own homes. If you go away on a business trip or vacation, ensuring your absence is as stress-free for your animal as possible is important. Ensuring your pets are in a familiar environment, with a stable food and exercise routine, is a safe and healthy way to allay their fears.

Hiring professional pet sitters allows you to care for your pet safely and economically. A well-constructed pet care agreement protects both the pet owner and the sitter, ensuring each party understands their rights and responsibilities in the arrangement.

  • If you're a sitter, this form ensures you get all the information you need to care for the pet in your charge.
  • If you're an owner, this agreement assures your pet will get the care and attention it deserves.

The agreement can provide a good starting point for negotiations. The owner and the sitter must continue to discuss the terms of the agreement, settling questions about service obligations and payment. Once they have agreed on contract terms and signed the form, both parties can rest assured that the agreement will protect their interests—and those of the pets.

Important points a pet owner should know while drafting a pet-sitting agreement

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1. Provide proof of bonding against theft

A pet sitter should provide the owner with proof that they're bonded against theft by any of their employees. A pet sitter should provide the owner with proof that it is bonded against theft by any of its employees. Pet sitters regularly enter their clients' homes and thus can be held responsible for the theft of any property that occurs during the arrangement term. Once it has been demonstrated that a criminal act has occurred, the bonding company will pay the owner and seek reimbursement from the party who committed the crime. A pet sitter bond can assure both parties that an owner’s property is protected from harm in their absence.

2. Ensure proof of liability insurance

A pet sitter should have proof of liability insurance (provided to each pet owner client). General liability insurance policies are designed explicitly for sitters and usually cover damage/injury to people and other pets. Note that the proper amount of coverage will depend on the type and number of animals watched (e.g., show animal vs. family pet, horse vs. cat) and the length of care time.

3. Obtain the necessary business license

Although most jurisdictions don't issue specific pet sitter licenses, the city or state you live in may require a pet sitter to obtain a general business license. This is something to consider if you're a sitter starting out in the profession. Being caught doing business without a license may subject you to hefty fines. If you're hiring a pet sitter, check to see if that sitter has a business license in your area. This may seem like overkill for a simple job, but it’s a good way to check the stability and reliability of the company or person you hire.

4. Conduct due diligence

If you’re an owner, you’ll leave your pet (and your home) in the hands of the person or agency you select; hence, it’s vital to do your due diligence.

  • Do they have a website listing their services, rates, policies, and contact information?
  • Did they provide references with phone numbers?

A little work upfront could save you considerable time and money down the road.

5. Provide comprehensive information

Before leaving, provide your pet sitter with as much information as possible. This will reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and the frequency of phone calls asking for clarification. Consider preparing a list of the following:

  • A description of the pet’s daily routine
  • A list of any health problems and/or medications required by your pets
  • Contact information of your veterinarian
  • Contact information for other home maintenance workers (e.g., plumbers, electricians, etc.)
  • Location of your pet’s favorite hiding places
  • Location of your pet’s favorite toys
  • Location of collar and leash, ID tags, poop scoopers, litter boxes, cat litter and cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Written verification of all vaccines that have been given to your pets
  • Your contact information
  • A list of any rooms that are off-limits to people or pets
  • Location of cleaning and other household supplies
  • Location of your fuse box and any new fuses, thermostat, main water shut-off valve, gas shut-off valve, fire extinguisher, etc.

6. Plan a pre-departure meeting

If possible, plan a meeting between the pets and the sitter before you leave on the trip. This may make the departure less traumatizing for the animals and lay a good foundation for the sitter-pet relationship.

7. Clarify house-sitting expectations

Don't assume that your pet sitter will take on house-sitting duties (turning on lights in the evening and switching them off in the morning, opening and closing curtains and blinds, watering plants, picking up newspapers and mail, etc.) if this isn't spelled out in your agreement. If you ask for additional services, you may be asked to pay more for the sitter’s time.

8. Inform neighbors about the pet sitter’s visit

Let your neighbors know that a pet sitter will visit your house while you're gone. This will clarify when an unfamiliar person is seen coming and going at your home.

9. Treat the pet sitter as an independent contractor

For many reasons, a pet sitter must be treated as an independent contractor rather than an employee of the owner for whom they work. If independent contractors are reclassified as employees, the owner using those contractors will be required to reimburse the IRS or state tax authority for delinquent employment taxes, interest, and penalties. A written agreement can provide some protection from these charges but is only the first step in establishing an individual’s independent contractor status. Once signed, both parties must follow its terms to maintain status.

10. Review state laws on contractors

Review your state’s laws governing independent contractors. In recent years, many states have made it difficult for individuals to qualify, imposing absolute requirements about the freedom a contractor must have from company control. The agreement must change certain provisions to fit your state’s rules.

11. Sign and keep agreement copies

Create two copies of the agreement, one for you and one for the other party, and sign them. Keep a copy of the signed agreement for your records. At the end of its term, you and the other party can revisit its provisions and consider whether to renew.

12. Consider witnessing or notarizing

Depending on the nature of its terms, you may decide to have your agreement witnessed or notarized. This will limit later challenges to the validity of a party’s signature.

13. Seek legal assistance for complex agreements

If your agreement is complicated, contact an attorney to help draft a document that meets your needs.

Understanding the clauses of a pet-sitting agreement

An image of a couple hugging their pet in their home.

The following instructions will help you understand the terms of the agreement. Please review the entire document before starting your step-by-step process.

1. Introduction

In this section, add the date when the agreement will be signed and become effective. Add the names and details of the parties involved. The pet’s owner hiring the caretaker is called the “owner,” and the party taking care of the pet is called the “sitter.”

2. Recitals

The “whereas” clauses, referred to as recitals, define the world of the agreement and offer key background information about the parties. In this agreement, the recitals include a simple statement of your intent to enter into a pet-sitting arrangement. If you have multiple pets, enter their names here, who'll be watched by the sitter.

3. Responsibilities

This section talks about each party’s responsibilities under the agreement. Essentially, the sitter agrees to perform the agreed-on services with adequate attention and care, and the owner agrees to assist in this performance by providing necessary information and guidance.

4. Nature of relationship

This section explains that the sitter isn't an employee or partner of the owner. This distinction is important for legal reasons, including insurance coverage requirements, liability, and taxes. The agreement emphasizes this divide, but both parties should maintain the line between independent contractors and employees in performing their duties. Review your state’s laws governing independent contractors to ensure the agreement follows local restrictions.

5. Representations and warranties

This section details the parties’ promises under the agreement. Each party agrees to enter into the arrangement based on the conditions listed in this section (e.g., each can enter the agreement and satisfy its terms). The sitter’s representations and warranties certify that it’ll be responsible for hiring any parties to do the work. The owner’s representations and warranties are more detailed and assure the sitter that the pets aren’t dangerous and that emergency contacts are available if the owner can’t be reached.

6. Compensation

Explain the following terms in this section:

  • Add the complete payment terms.
  • Indicate the time the owner has to forward payments to the sitter. If your arrangement is more casual, this doesn't need to be a detailed invoice; rather, it can be a simple report of the tasks performed and the rates applicable to that performance.
  • The circumstances under which no payments will be made.
  • Except as stated specifically in the agreement (e.g., payments for additional pet food or emergency expenses), the sitter will pay for the services. If the parties want to specifically define the types of expenses that the owner will pay, they need to mention those as well. Keep these exceptions limited if you choose to include them. If the owner pays for all the sitter’s expenses, the relationship will be more like that between an employer/employee than an independent contractor arrangement.
  • Indicates that the sitter is responsible for paying their taxes on the money they receive (i.e., they’re not receiving a “salary” as an employee of the owner, and the owner won’t withhold those amounts on their behalf).

7. Term

This section indicates that the agreement will last until termination, an expiration date, or a certain number of years.

8. Termination

This section explains that certain actions or events, including written notice or material breach, will cause the agreement to end out of time (i.e., before the services are completed or the end of the term, if any). Provide the notice period that a party must give to end the agreement.

The sitter can terminate the agreement anytime if the pet(s) become violent or dangerous. In such cases, the sitter can place the pet(s) into a kennel or other agreed-on facility until the owner can return and assume responsibility for the pet(s).

9. Authorization of emergency medical care

This clause allows the sitter to get emergency medical care for the pet(s) in the owner’s name during the owner’s absence. This clause also promises that the owner will pay any costs incurred in such emergency care. Ensure you list the emergency contact details of people other than the owner.

Also, add a veterinarian release form allowing the pet(s) to be treated during the owner’s absence. Under the terms of this section, the owner must fill out and sign the release on or before the date the agreement is signed.

10. Indemnification

This provision allocates responsibilities between the parties if problems arise in the future and protects each party from the consequences of the other’s negligent or intentional conduct.

11. Exclusion of liability

Here, the owner can specify the items for which the sitter will not be held liable or financially responsible. These items include any damage or destruction resulting from the pet’s actions or health problems. Note that unless the owner agrees in writing that the sitter will also be responsible for house-related activities (e.g., watering plants, etc.), the sitter is also excused from liability for any damages resulting from its failure to perform them.

12. Assignment

This clause explains that each party must obtain the other’s written permission before assigning its obligations and interests.

13. Successors and assigns

This clause states that the parties’ rights and obligations will be passed on to heirs or, in the case of companies, successor organizations or organizations to which rights and obligations have been permissibly assigned.

14. No implied waiver

This section clarifies that if either party allows the other to ignore or break an obligation under the agreement, it doesn't mean that the party waives any future rights to require the other to fulfill those (or any other) obligations.

15. Notice

This section contains the addresses to which all official or legal correspondence should be delivered. Write a mailing address for both the owner and the sitter.

16. Governing law

In this section, the parties can choose the state laws that will be used to interpret the document.

17. Severability

This section protects the terms of the agreement as a whole, even if one part is later invalidated. For example, if a state law is passed prohibiting choice-of-law clauses, it won't undo the entire document. Instead, only the section dealing with the choice of law would be invalidated, leaving the remainder of the agreement enforceable.

18. Headings

This section clarifies that the headings at the beginning of each section are helpful in organizing the document and shouldn’t be considered operational parts of the note.

How does a template help to draft your pet-sitting agreement?

Using a template to draft your pet-sitting agreement simplifies the process, ensuring that all essential elements are covered without starting from scratch. LegalZoom’s online pet-sitting agreement template provides a structured outline, including sections for services offered, payment terms, pet care responsibilities, emergency protocols, and liability clauses. This helps pet sitters and pet owners establish clear expectations, reducing misunderstandings and ambiguities. 

LegalZoom also offers an array of business agreement templates for your personal and commercial use cases.

Frequently asked questions

What's a pet-sitting contract?

Taking care of your pet is now safe and easy by hiring the right professional pet sitter.

Pet sitters ensure your pets are in a familiar environment with their preferred food, treats, and exercise routines. A thorough and well-written pet-sitting agreement enables both parties to understand their responsibilities to the pets and each other. It provides essential information to the pet owner and the pet sitter and ensures your pets will be well cared for.

What key details should you know while creating a pet-sitting contract?

Here's the information you'll need to have handy to complete your pet-sitting contract form:

  • Pet owner’s information: Have the pet owner's contact information, emergency contacts, and the owner's preferred veterinarian
  • Pet sitter’s information: Know who the pet sitter is and have their contact information handy
  • Which state will govern it: Specify the state so it's clear what state laws apply to the document
  • Frequency of services: Be clear about how often pets need feeding, walking, and play

What are the benefits of using a pet-sitting contract template?

Using a template for a pet-sitting agreement is advisable for several reasons. It ensures clarity and consistency in outlining the terms and conditions of pet care between pet owners and pet-sitting services.

This legal document covers specific services, such as dog walking or feeding schedules, and important information, such as emergency contact details and vet preferences.

Additionally, it addresses crucial aspects such as the age and medical needs of the pet, ensuring comprehensive care during the owner's absence.

If your pet-sitting contract is complex, make it legally sound by contacting an attorney or using templates tailored to local laws, protecting both parties involved. Utilizing a template streamlines the process, enhances professionalism, and promotes responsible pet care practices.


Pet Sitting Agreement Template

Set clear pet care instructions and expectations with a pet sitting agreement. Enjoy peace of mind that your pets will be well cared for while you're away.
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