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What's a copyright license agreement for artwork?

Artists and other creators use copyright protections to keep their work from being used or sold without authorization. A non-exclusive copyright license allows a third-party licensee to use (but not own) a creative work while still protecting the owner’s copyright. There might be many reasons for licensing agreements. For example, licensing can allow a company to get the rights to make or sell products based on protected artistic material, generating revenue for both the owner and the licensee. To kickstart this document, you can use the copyright license agreement template provided above. If you’re searching for other business agreement templates related to copyright, LegalZoom offers a copyright license agreement for written work and a copyright assignment agreement that is easy to use and fill out.

Professional copyright license agreement for artwork template by LegalZoom. Easily draft, edit, and download your agreements!

Here's the information you'll need to have handy to complete your copyright license agreement for artwork:

  • Who it's coming from: Determine if a business or individual is sending the document and have the name and contact information ready
  • Who it's going to: Know who this document is going to and have the individual or business name and contact information ready
  • Subject matter: Be clear about the description of the artwork to be licensed in the agreement and any specific conditions or requirements, such as the copyright status and desired credit line
  • Payments: Understand if and how royalties or a flat fee will be paid to the owner of the art

Copyright License Agreement for Artwork Template

Protect your artwork with a copyright license agreement. Cover essential details like parties involved, artwork description and usage, and payment terms.
Start creating at $59/document or $99/year for unlimited documents
Fill your responses and complete your document
Personalize with a rich editor
eSign document easily and securely
Get your agreement attorney reviewed & stay legally protected
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