Before you spend time and money applying for a trademark to protect your brand—make sure it's available. Trademark search starts at $199.
Federal trademark search
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Complete trademark search
Search trademarks
Includes Federal search, plus:
Best value
Complete trademark search and registration
Get BOIR plus ongoing compliance with annual reports, attorney-informed updates, filings, alerts, and specialists.
+ federal fees§
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Includes Complete search, plus:
Federal trademark search
Search my trademark
Search my trademark
Includes Federal search, plus:
Complete trademark search and registration
+ federal fees§
Search my trademark
Includes Complete search, plus:
We’ve helped file more than 400,000 trademark applications, which is 2x more trademark applications than online competitors‡—so you can feel confident working with us.
As America’s #1 online trademark filer*, our comprehensive search results help identify potential conflicts with your proposed trademark for worry-free filing.
There are already millions of existing trademarks. Let us search and register your trademark for you for less than the cost of working with a traditional attorney.
Experienced attorneys to guide you at each step
Our law firm has successfully registered over 2x more trademarks than online competitors.‡ Let one of our experienced trademark attorneys help you run a trademark search, provide legal advice, and prepare & file your trademark application.
Tens of thousands of satisfied customers trust our law firm
Fully owned law firm specializing in online trademark registration services
Experienced trademark attorney to guide you step-by-step through the process
Free second search if your attorney identifies an issue with your first choice
Most trademark applications filed—2x more than competitors‡
Most trademark applications filed—2x more than competitors‡
Not always. Sometimes, someone may have common law trademark rights because they were the first to use a trademark in commerce. Neither federal nor state registration is required for common law rights. Someone with these rights can challenge your use of a similar trademark, so it's a good idea to check beyond state and federal registries, such as use on the internet. Our complete search service include checks for common law and internet use.
The USPTO trademark classification system divides all goods and services into 45 trademark classes—34 for goods and 11 for services.
As part of the trademark filing process, you'll select the class of goods or services your trademark protects and identify the goods or services you provide. Your trademark protection will only extend to the same combination of goods, services, and classes you specify in your application. Once you’ve determined you're ready to apply for your trademark, our experienced attorneys can advise.
Once you've completed your trademark search, you can use the USPTO's trademark identification manual to determine what trademark classification works best for you. You can also purchase our trademark registration service and an experienced trademark attorney will help ensure you choose the right classes to protect your mark then file your application for you.
A trademark search is usually the first step in the process of applying for a trademark. It's done to ensure there are no other similar trademarks registered, which could cause issues with your application being approved. If your search doesn't surface any issues, you can proceed with submitting your application to the USPTO.
Yes, you should still do a search. Trademarks provide national intellectual property protection, so it's possible for a trademark name to be available in your state but for someone to have registered it at a federal level. All of our trademark search packages include a federal search of existing marks.
Juan G.
Trademark search customer
Christopher T.
Trademark search customer
Alana M.
Trademark search customer
How to Protect Your Trademark
Filing for a trademark is one step towards choosing, protecting, and enforcing a trademark. Learn more
What is Brand Infringement
Brand infringement is when another person or company uses your brand’s assets without consent. Learn more
A trademark helps brand your products and services, identifying them as uniquely yours. Trademarks help customers distinguish your brand and business from competitors. Trademark protection can cover different categories of intellectual property like business names, product names, taglines, logos, or symbols.
Our trademark search services can help you confirm your mark is unique before you file a trademark application.
A trademark search, conducted through the Trademark Search system, is an important first step in the registration process. It involves searching existing registered trademarks to ensure the one you want to use isn't already taken. It's also a way of checking for a potentially conflicting trademark—a trademark that's similar to the one you want to use. We offer trademark search services that check existing trademarks and pending applications on federal, state, as well as for common law use and online appearances.
To trademark a logo, you first need to make sure it's unique and doesn't infringe on any existing registered trademarks. This is best accomplished through a complete trademark search for the proposed logo. You can apply for your trademark once you've confirmed no one else is using something similar.
When you trademark a phrase or word—such as a slogan, motto, or tagline—you need to do a trademark check first to make sure it's unique. Then, you can file an application with the USPTO. Not all phrases can receive a service mark—trademark attorneys can advise further once we've completed your trademark search.
Federal registration of trademarks lasts 10 years, as long as you file a statement that the mark is still in use between the fifth and sixth year. Trademarks can last indefinitely if you continue to file maintenance documents with the USPTO. You can use our trademark services to regularly check your trademarks against existing and emerging marks to address any conflicts quickly.
Trademark registration costs vary based on factors like how many classes of goods and services you want to register your mark in and whether you hire an attorney to help. Our premium trademark registration service includes guidance from an experienced trademark attorney from our law firm, LZ Legal Services, who can take care of the entire trademark process for you at nearly 75% less than the cost of traditional law firms.**
Search trademarks
Search trademarks
§ USPTO federal filing fee of $350 per class will be charged before we file your application.
† Your application is rejected only if the USPTO issues a final refusal. Limit one waived service fee for a different mark per order. The waiver is for LegalZoom's fees only and does not include government filing fees.
* LZ Legal Services is the number one law firm filer by volume for US-based businesses at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
‡ Includes both attorney-led trademark applications from LZ Legal Services and DIY trademark applications from, Inc. Compared to Trademarkia, RocketLawyer, or Trademark Elite based on USPTO reporting data.
** Based on the AIPLA Report of the Economic Survey 2021, IP attorneys in the U.S. charge an average of $2500 for trademark clearance and filing.