Ann MacDonald
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How Do Family Courts Split Up Debt Upon Divorce?
Divorce isn't just about splitting assets. When it comes time to go your separate ways, someone has to take responsibility for your debt.
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Is It Time to Convert Your Sole Proprietorship to a Corporation or LLC?
One of the biggest issues a small business owner must face is whether to incorporate and if so, when.
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Protecting Yourself from Spyware
You have probably heard the term spyware but you don't know why you should be worried. With spyware, hackers can access a copy of everything. While there may be nothing confidential in your emails, if you access your bank accounts, check your credit card balances or purchase things online, you might be sharing more personal information than you think.
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Having a Baby: Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities
Having a baby is one of the most life changing events you will ever experience. It's important to consider the practical matters of bringing a new life into the world—legal preparation. Read more to find out how you can protect yourself and your baby.
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Unmarried Couples and Parenting: A Look at the Legal Rights of Parents and Their Children
Most people picture an 'unwed mother' as a teenage girl. However, a majority of unmarried parents are adults and are frequently in committed relationships. So, how does the marital status of these unmarried parents affect their legal rights, and what impact do the laws have on their children?
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Discerning Click Fraud
Now that you advertise your business online, you think any click is a good click, right? Well, that is not always the case thanks to the advent of click fraud. You instead may be discovering that your competitors are getting into the game of clicking to deplete your marketing budget. So, what do you need to know about it?
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Do You Know the Top Reasons to Avoid Probate?
If you have heard anything about probate, you were probably told to avoid it at all costs. However, you may not know what it is, what the drawbacks are and most importantly, how best to avoid it.
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The Office Christmas Party and Legal Liability
It is traditional for business owners to invite employees to share a little holiday cheer each December, but these opportunities to let loose can also come with legal concerns for business owners.
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Attractive Nuisances: How to Avoid Liability for Dangerously Tempting Objects
On hot summer days, there are few things more enticing to children than a vacant swimming pool. And this could spell disaster if you haven't taken reasonable precautions to keep the neighborhood youngsters out of your yard. In fact, you could be looking at a very serious lawsuit if one of them takes an illicit swim while you're away and becomes injured. The reason? Swimming pools fall under a special class of objects known as attractive nuisances.
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