Jenn Morson
Jenn is a writer who specializes in real estate, finance, health care, and education. Her words may be found in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Time magazine, and more. You can follow her on X (Twitter), Threads, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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Borrowing from your retirement is not widely recommended and should only be done if the business can pay the loan back quickly.
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Creative Strategies to Help Landlords Survive Coronavirus
Thinking creatively, being generous with tenants, and considering short-term leases could help you get through the pandemic.
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How to Use Your COVID-19 Downtime to Plan for Later Business Success
By getting organized and planning for the future, you can make the most out of a slow down in your business.
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The Importance of Customer Service During the Coronavirus
In the time of coronavirus, good customer service is crucial to maintain existing customers and gain new ones. Don't let your business be a casualty of the pandemic.
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Is Buying an Existing Business a Smart Move?
Buying an existing business can be a great way to jumpstart financial freedom. But if you don't do your due diligence, it can be a waste of time and money.
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Lessons Learned: How Mompreneurs Overcome Challenges to Fuel Business Success
The keys to business success are often tricky, but with some guidance, you can be a successful small business owner.
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How to Spot Secondary Revenue Streams for Your Business
Diversifying sources of income helps keep companies profitable, and finding a new revenue stream can help your peace of mind. Follow these tips for creating extra revenue streams for your business.
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Tips and Tricks to Repair Your Personal Credit
Personal credit scores help determine whether a person gets a home, a car, and even a job. Financial mistakes can tank a credit score, and improving your credit is essential. Learn how to repair your credit efficiently using these tips.
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Use Your Estate Plan to Take Care of Children with Special Needs
Children with special needs require a great deal of resources and support. Parents often worry about what will happen to their children with special needs after they are gone. Setting up a special needs trust can help ease your worry.
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How Mompreneurs Can Put Guilt Aside in Order to Succeed
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