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The 2020 Tax Extension: What Everyone Needs to Know
The deadline for filing federal income taxes and most state income taxes has changed to May 17 this year, though some taxpayers were still on the hook to submit by April 15.
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How Lean Is Your Machine: 9 Cost-Cutting Tips for Small Businesses
Cost-cutting tips to help keep your business humming
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What Do 'Mompreneurs' Prefer to Be Called?
With so many women in business, it's no wonder that there's a diversity of opinion on what they should be called. Some find mom-focused terminology offensive, while others feel the term 'mompreneur' fits them well.
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How Mompreneurs Make Time for Self-Care and Vacations
It's no secret that female business owners are stretched thin when it comes to the demands of work, clients, and family. How do they find the time?
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How to Find Tax Deductions for Consultants
It's common for consultants to file taxes without knowing all the deductions they're entitled to. Don't let those write-offs fall through the cracks. Familiarize yourself with common and often-overlooked tax deductions for consultants.
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Betting on Vets, the New Entrepreneurs
Highly trained and self-motivated, veterans tend to make phenomenal entrepreneurs. A wealth of federal and private resources, programs, and loan options provide potential business owners with a military background everything they need to get started.
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How Small Businesses Can Protect Themselves Against Counterfeiters
Counterfeiting can affect brands both big and small, whether counterfeiters are selling phony versions of your products or tricking you into buying shoddy products or raw materials. Here's what you should know.
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3 Ways to Make Your Business More Customer-Centric
Growing a customer-centric culture is about valuing, engaging with, and listening to your customers.
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Unconventional Small Business Funding Options for Cash-Strapped Businesses in Growth Mode
Unconventional funding options for businesses often come with very high costs or other barriers, but they can provide an avenue to funding when more traditional options aren't available.
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Are COVID-19 Business Disaster Losses Tax Deductible?
While taxes aren't the first thing you want to think about when faced with disaster, taking account of your losses and claiming whatever deduction you can is an essential part of recovery.
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