Last Wills
Find answers to questions you might have about last wills, and get a better understanding of how they're written, what happens if they're contested, and more.
What Is Probate?
The probate process ensures that a deceased person's debts are paid and property is distributed in an orderly way. Probate follows the terms of a will as well as state law.
· 3 min read
Making a Will: A Quick Checklist
Does writing a will sound like an intimidating task? This checklist makes gathering the information you need easy and stress-free.
· 3 min read
How to Choose Between a Living Trust and a Will
Wills and living trusts have distinct advantages. Deciding which is right for you is about weighing the pros and cons.
· 4 min read
Washington Community Property Agreements
Community property is a principle of law applicable in Washington and eight other states. In these states, a spouse or registered domestic partner owns 50% of all property acquired during the marriage or domestic partnership. Read on to learn exceptions to the rule.
· 2 min read
Five Common Mistakes Made in Wills
You know having a last will is important—it protects your family and provides for your final wishes. Now that you're finally sitting down to write that will, be on the lookout for these common but easy-to-avoid mistakes.
· 3 min read
The Top 3 Reasons to Write a Will
You've probably got one of those 'need to do eventually but not today' lists residing somewhere. Getting your will done might be one of the most important actions you can take for your future. Here are the top three reasons why.
· 3 min read
The Last Will & Testament: A Look Back
It's been called one of the most important legal documents you will ever have. Yet where the will came from and how it's been used over the centuries is a mystery. Discover a little history of the last will and testament—including a look back at the oldest known will, and the shortest, longest and most beautifully written wills. Plus, find out what Shakespeare left his heirs and when is the right time to do your will
· 3 min read
How We Can Learn from Philip Seymour Hoffman's Last Will
Change is a part of life. But sometimes, people forget that when it comes to estate planning.
· 4 min read
Summer Camp or Vacation: What Legal Documents Do Your Kids Need?
If your children will be away from home without you, send along these key documents to prevent travel troubles and help ensure they'll be able to get medical treatment if they need it.
· 3 min read
The Basics of 'I Love You' Wills
Do you know what an “I love you will” does and could it be right for you? As with any estate planning option, there are advantages and disadvantages, so read up before sharing the love!
· 3 min read