Legal Help
Learn when it's time to bring in a lawyer and how to pick the right one to fit your needs.
Serving Your Tenant a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
As a landlord, you'll sometimes have tenants who breach their lease by failing to pay rent. Find out your first steps in starting an eviction proceeding against a habitually nonpaying tenant.
· 4 min read
Letter of Intent for Business Transaction: A How-To Guide
1. Overview Before settling on the final terms of an agreement, negotiating parties may choose to provide a written starting point, setting out a first offer and some general terms. This initial written document is called a letter of intent (sometimes also called a memorandum of agreement or a memorandum of understanding). A letter of intent sets out the basic terms of a proposed transaction, including price, asset description, limitations, and closing conditions.
· 8 min read
What Are the Differences Between a Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange?
Promissory notes and bills of exchange are debt instruments that create a legal obligation to pay. Find out when you should use them.
· 3 min read
Protect Your Dog Walking Business with a Dog Walking Contract
Learn why a dog walking agreement is important and what you should consider including in the one you use.
· 4 min read
Set Up Custody Guidelines with a Pet Custody Agreement
Did you know you can have a pet custody agreement that states where your pet will live, should you and your partner split up? Read on to learn how a pet custody agreement can help you keep your pet after divorce or if the relationship ends.
· 4 min read
Using a Secured Promissory Note to Jump Start Your Business
Do you need to raise money to start or expand your business? Find out how to do this with a secured promissory note.
· 4 min read
How to Tackle a Secured Promissory Note with Amortized Payments
If you plan to create a secured promissory for either personal or business purposes, it's important to understand secured promissory notes and amortized payments.
· 3 min read
Continue Your Business Relationship After Loan Default with a Loan Default Waiver
If your business defaults on a loan, a loan default waiver can be a way to get your finances back on track and continue to do business with your lender. Find out how a loan default waiver might work for your business.
· 4 min read
Creating a Notice of Default on an Installment Promissory Note
When a borrower fails to pay an installment promissory note, the lender can use a notice of default to begin the collection process. Find out how to use a notice of default.
· 3 min read
10 Things You Need to Have in Your Loan Agreement
If you and a friend or relative plan to engage in the lending and borrowing of money, these 10 provisions should be in your loan agreement.
· 4 min read