Money Matters
Get legal advice on how to take control of your personal finances, whether you're tackling student loans, medical bills, taxes, or bankruptcy.
Year-End Tax Tips for Every Business Owner
Are you planning now to reduce your tax burden in April? You should be. Check out these year-end tax tips for business owners to get started in the right direction.
· 2 min read
Does Your Kid Owe Taxes?
How early should kids learn about paying taxes? Chances are, it's sooner than you think. Even if your child is a dependent (under the age of 19 or a full-time student under the age of 24, receiving more than half of his or her support from a parent), he or she any be required to file a tax return.
· 1 min read
Got Debt? Stop Creditors from Harassing You with These Legal Tips
While having some debt can be good, having too much debt can be disastrous. While you will have to deal with the bills, these tips can help you avoid being harassed and help you maintain some sanity when the bill collectors come calling.
· 3 min read
Is Your Tax Professional Certified?
There's a difference between an accountant (someone who prepares your taxes) and a certified public accountant or CPA (someone who has received the training required by your state's licensing board).
· 2 min read
Considering Bankruptcy
If you are feeling like you're in an economic vice grip, it may come as a relief to find out there are options. So, is bankruptcy one of your best options?
· 2 min read
How to Organize Business Expenses: 7 Important Steps
Wondering how to organize your small business expenses? These categories can help you budget and analyze your performance as well as make tax time easier.
· 7 min read
How to Avoid a Tax Audit
Here are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of being chosen for a tax audit.
· 7 min read
How to Fill Out a W-9 for a Nonprofit Corporation
Even though your nonprofit has tax-exempt status, you may need to fill out a W-9 when working with other businesses.
· 3 min read
What Is a FEIN, and How to Get Your Federal Tax ID Number?
Starting a new business or changing an existing one? Here's a guide to how to apply for a federal tax ID number, how long it takes to get one, why you might need one (and when you don't), and when you'll need to get a new FEIN for your business.
· 7 min read
How to Use Consolidated Financial Statements to Track Assets and Income
A consolidated financial statement is an excellent way to keep track of the assets and income of a group of legal entities owned by a parent—but you should be aware of the guidelines.
· 3 min read