Money Matters
Get legal advice on how to take control of your personal finances, whether you're tackling student loans, medical bills, taxes, or bankruptcy.
Profit and Loss Statements for Self-Employed Individuals
You may not have to file a profit and loss statement for your business with any regulatory agency, but there are very good reasons for a self-employed individual to keep one. Here's how and why.
· 3 min read
Do LLCs Pay California Income Tax?
Find out if your new California LLC has to pay California income taxes.
· 3 min read
How to Find Deductions for Travel Expenses
With more consultants and business travelers hitting the road for business travel, it's time for a brush-up on what expenses are eligible for tax deduction while they're away. If you're unsure about what qualifies, read on.
· 14 min read
Sweat Equity and the S Corporation
Sweat equity—in the form of valuable services—is a time-honored way to contribute capital to an S corporation. But be sure all agree on its actual value.
· 4 min read
Putting Sweat Equity into Your Business
Regardless of how you structure your business, you can use sweat equity to increase the value of your company and to attract new investors.
· 4 min read
Bootstrapping vs. Equity Financing
Both methods can get your business up and running. But which is best for your situation?
· 5 min read
Paying Investors: How Dividends Work
Whether or not corporate shares will provide you with a steady stream of income depends on how well a company performs as well as the kind of stock you own. Are dividends the best choice for your particular financial situation?
· 4 min read
Dividend Tax for Shareholders of a Company
Are you unsure of the tax consequences of receiving dividend payments from your corporate investments? Here's what tax-savvy investors need to know.
· 4 min read
Collecting Sales Tax with a Certificate of Authority
Whether you're setting up shop at the farmers market or the grand opening of a retail store, collecting sales tax is an important part of running your business. Today we're going to look collecting sales tax with a Certificate of Authority.
· 4 min read
Are COVID-19 Business Disaster Losses Tax Deductible?
While taxes aren't the first thing you want to think about when faced with disaster, taking account of your losses and claiming whatever deduction you can is an essential part of recovery.
· 3 min read