Patents are critical for protecting inventions and designs. Learn how and when to file one, read success stories from fellow inventors, and more.
Honoring George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver rose from slavery to become one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.
· 4 min read
How to Sell Your Patent
Finding a way profit from your patent can be tricky if you're not sure how to do it. But with a little business savvy and a touch of marketing sense, you can find the companies that are looking for innovation. If you're ready to license or sell your patent, these tips and links can help you get started.
· 3 min read
How to Talk About Your Nonpatented Invention Without Having Your Idea Stolen
Until you've filed your application with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, you should be extra careful about who you talk to and how you share your ideas.
· 4 min read
Get the Most from Your Provisional Application for Patent
You've got an invention, but what an ordeal just to get it to 'patent pending' status. The reality is, filing a provisional application for patent is not as confusing or as intimidating as people think—especially if you know what to expect.
· 5 min read
Can You Patent Your Mobile App?
Protect your intellectual property by applying for a patent at the right time and with the right details about your unique app.
· 3 min read
Beware the Patent Troll
Patent trolls make money by buying and attempting to enforce patents, but there are ways to protect yourself.
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What Does Patent Pending Mean?
The phrase patent pending gets used a lot, but what does it mean? Find out what it means to be pending a patent, how you are still protected while the patent is pending, and why pending patents are helpful.
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How Lawyers Help File Patent Applications
A good patent attorney can make a complicated process easier
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What Can You Patent
Not every idea you have can be protected with a patent. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has strict rules for what can be patented. Find out more.
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Design Patent vs. Utility Patent
A patent can provide powerful protection for your invention—but not all patents are created equal. Learn the difference between utility and design patents, and how each might apply to your invention.
· 4 min read