Stay on top of the latest developments that might impact your life and business from new regulations to tech breakthroughs.
Leveraging a Family Business to Effect Positive Change
Through GenFree LLC and nonprofit Ready for the World, Mark and Victoria Thompson are creating a family legacy and supporting their community.
· 4 min read
Who Can I Get Free COBRA and How?
Qualified unemployed individuals can qualify for free COBRA health insurance coverage under the latest relief bill.
· 3 min read
NFTs: Who's Selling, Who's Buying, and Why?
NFTs, popularized by artists, star athletes and other celebrities, are attracting a diverse audience of fans, collectors, gamers and untraditional investors.
· 4 min read
Recontained: A Green Business Story
LegalZoom customer and green business owner Tonia Soteros shares the challenges and rewards of starting an eco-friendly business.
· 3 min read
Creative Ways LegalZoom Employees Are Pitching in for the Planet
Doing more for the planet doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. These Legal Zoom employees have figured out smart, simple ways to make a difference.
· 4 min read
Why Some Businesses Thrived While Others Failed in the Pandemic
While the news cycle has focused on struggling businesses, some businesses have experienced unexpected growth. What was the secret of their success?
· 5 min read
Vaccinations, Masks, and Small Business Rights
Because the rules and laws around masks and vaccination card enforcement are evolving, small businesses should weigh safety protocols for their staff and customers and look to federal guidelines for guidance.
· 3 min read
What's in the PPP Extension Act and How to Take Advantage of It
Congress greenlights PPP filing extensions as funding projected to dissipate by mid-April.
· 3 min read
Small Business: A Look Back at a Year in the Pandemic
Six small-business owners share lessons they experienced during the pandemic as well as how they're taking what they learned into a post-COVID-19 marketplace.
· 4 min read
How Companies Like Zoom Are Changing the Way Small Businesses Operate
Zoom and other remote technologies have provided ways for small businesses to stay connected to their clients and co-workers during the pandemic.
· 5 min read