What is a DBA?
If a business wants to do business with a name that is different from the name used to form the business, it must register the new name (called a trade name). This is often called filing for a DBA, or doing business as. For example, if “Frank’s Hot Dogs LLC” wants to do business as “Best Hot Dogs in Town” then the owners have to file a DBA.
When you need a DBA
New Hampshire requires any business doing business under a different name to formally file for a DBA designation. Filing a DBA also lets the business open bank accounts with the trade name, assists in getting a federal trademark (if desired), and prevents other businesses from registering the name for their own use.
Setting up a DBA in New Hampshire
Selecting a DBA typically begins with searching the relevant state database in order to determine whether the name you want is available. You can start your search here to choose an available name. Filers cannot file for names that are similar to other names already registered, and cannot choose names that are deceptively similar to the name of a governmental authority or political party of the state.
New Hampshire DBA Forms
Filers for a DBA in New Hampshire can download the TN-1 form for registration of a Trade name available here. Forms can be filled out online and then printed and mailed to the New Hampshire Secretary of State along with the appropriate filing fee as listed on the website.
New Hampshire DBA filing & registration
DBA filers will need to provide a variety of information including the name of the business, the business' principal place of business, the type of trade the business seeks to carry on in the State of New Hampshire, the date the business was organized, and the proposed DBA it seeks to operate under.
Tax considerations
Getting a trade name registered by filing a DBA doesn’t change how your company is taxed.
When you are ready to file a DBA, LegalZoom can help you. We can search for available business names, file the paperwork for your DBA, and even get you in touch with an attorney that can help you answer specific questions.