How to get a sign permit

Your sign says a lot about your business and your brand, but it also needs to comply with local zoning laws. So, before you display a sign outdoors, apply for your required sign permit. LegalZoom, rated as the preferred online method to find your required business licenses,* offers a customized report with direct access to license and permit applications, as well as ongoing licensing alerts and management. Just $99/year.

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The entrance to a zero-waste shop called 'Recontained' with a sign outside that reads 'Zero-Waste Shop Recontained Refill Station' and a person visible inside the shop.
White woman storefront owner with straight light blonde hair wearing yellow shirt with a white apron smiling opens up the windows of a clothing shop
White woman storefront owner with straight light blonde hair wearing yellow shirt with a white apron smiling opens up the windows of a clothing shop

What you need to know about sign permits

Imagine a street or mall with no signage regulation. What might happen? The result would likely be a haphazard look, with one sign bigger than the next, safety concerns, and flashing lights 24 hours a day. It’s no surprise that a sign permit is required in most areas.

Here are some of the important reasons for sign permits: 

• Prevent safety hazards

• Avoid visual clutter

• Maintain the look of the neighborhood

• Regulate size, design, location, and construction

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Person in black jeans setting up a sign outside of their storefront that reads "We're open! Wine, cheese, etc"

Why do I need a sign permit?

Legal Compliance

In almost all communities, there are zoning laws that govern signage. If you don't get the proper permit, you may need to remove your sign and pay a fine. There may be different rules about legal compliance for exterior signs vs. interior signs, so details about the location and size of the sign are important in the approval process.

Public safety

Safe installation, secure mounting, and proper electrical standards by a qualified professional protect the public. An exterior sign may be subject to various weather conditions, so it must withstand the elements.

Community standards

Be aware of community standards that may apply to advertising certain products or services. An exterior sign is viewable by the general public, including children.

Maintaining visual character

Have you ever visited a shopping area and noticed that all the signage has a particular look and feel? That’s because signage standards govern the visual character of the area. A sign that’s considered visually unappealing or out of sync with the visual character of a shopping area may be turned down.

Person in black jeans setting up a sign outside of their storefront that reads "We're open! Wine, cheese, etc"
Woman in a denim shirt and a black apron using a power tool to cut a piece of wood for a sign for her business.
Woman in a denim shirt and a black apron using a power tool to cut a piece of wood for a sign for her business.

What are the requirements for creating a sign?

Through the sign permitting process, you’ll learn requirements, such as allowable dimensions, lighting, safe installation, and more.

Appropriate design

Design specifications include size, height, materials used, overall aesthetic, and lighting.


Signs can only be placed in certain areas and must not overstep into intersections, other owners' property lines, or other types of locations. Follow code requirements to avoid having to remove and reinstall signs. 

Safety standards

Signs must be properly installed, made from safe materials, and sturdily constructed. If lit, signs must follow electrical compliance and building codes.

Appropriate content

Usually, there are community standards about what a sign can state, prohibiting inappropriate content. You can avoid problems by reviewing any guidelines beforehand. Consider the atmosphere and norms of your neighborhood.

Smiling woman in a bakery kitchen holding a piping bag wearing a blue button down shirt and a white apron.

How to get a sign permit in 4 steps


Gather the appropriate documents

Business owners need a plan or drawing of the proposed sign location and details to submit with a permit request.  

Your application may include:

• An image of the proposed sign, including the words

• The site plan showing the location 

• Height and wall elevation

• Dimensions

• Sign materials 

• Method of installation and attachment 

• Building owner approval if you’re leasing

You may also need: 

• Certificate of occupancy or certificate of use

• Business license

• Electrical details, including UL number

• Electrical permit for electric signs


Complete and submit the application

Receive your custom report from LegalZoom that includes the licenses and permits you need. Your report will give you direct access to your sign permit application, along with instructions on how to apply. Getting a report with links to apply for each license or permit saves you the hassle of finding this info for yourself. Plus, we’ll help ensure your permit remains in compliance with notifications of updates to requirements or deadlines. 


Gather & submit appropriate documents

You may need to submit multiple copies of a detailed plan or drawing of the proposed sign. Your application should include the sign’s dimensions, materials used during its construction, and installation for the sign and the sign structure. If you’re proposing a ground sign that’s not mounted on an exterior wall, your site plan should include the distance from your property line to the ground sign.


Receive your approval or denial

Local authorities, building inspectors, design review boards, and zoning officials may need to review your permit application. Sit tight and wait for their decision and instructions on what to do next.

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Smiling woman in a bakery kitchen holding a piping bag wearing a blue button down shirt and a white apron.
Smiling man in denim shirt holding a bottle of wine laughing off into the distance.

Complete and submit the application

Receive your custom report from LegalZoom that includes the licenses and permits you need. Your report will give you direct access to your sign permit application, along with instructions on how to apply. Getting a report with links to apply for each license or permit saves you the hassle of finding this info for yourself. Plus, we'll help ensure your permit remains in compliance by sending you notifications about deadlines and changes in requirements


Gather & submit appropriate documents

You may need to submit multiple copies of a detailed plan or drawing of the proposed sign. Your application should include the sign’s dimensions, materials used during its construction, and installation for the sign and sign structure.


Receive your approval or denial

Local authorities, building inspectors, design review boards, and zoning officials may need to review your permit application. Sit tight and wait for their decision and instructions on what to do next.

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Smiling young man wearing a denim apron and a woman in a striped shirt inside a plant store, surrounded by hanging plans and greenery, looking towards a laptop.

What happens if I don’t get a permit before I install my sign?

If you install your sign without first getting a sign permit, you can face serious consequences. You may owe a fine, your business license may be suspended, and you’ll need to take down the sign, which can be costly. In addition to the expense of removing and disposing of a non-compliant sign, it may lead to loss of visibility and loss of business. Your business may also fall out of good standing with the state, which endangers the personal liability protections you would otherwise have as an LLC or corporation. In short, it’s worth it to get the permit first.

What do I need to do before applying for a sign permit?

It’s common for zoning authorities to require that you submit other licenses along with your application for a sign permit. Our business license service can simplify the process for you. When you order a customized report of your licenses and permits from us, we’ll also provide links for you to directly access the applications. We’ll notify you of upcoming deadlines, and you’ll be able to effortlessly manage your licenses and permits by uploading, viewing, and sharing all from one place. Our services help your business stay compliant so you can focus on running your business.

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Smiling young man wearing a denim apron and a woman in a striped shirt inside a plant store, surrounded by hanging plans and greenery, looking towards a laptop.

Getting your licenses & permits—the easy way

Navigating the complex landscape of business licenses and permits can be daunting, but LegalZoom makes the process straightforward. Our business license service helps ensure you have what you need to operate your business. Here’s how we can help:

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We'll identify all federal, state, and local licenses and permits your business needs. Our experienced specialists will provide a personalized report detailing every requirement, from a sign permit to a business license to specific federal licenses.

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Simplify the licensing process with access to all necessary applications. LegalZoom navigates over 75,000 jurisdictions for you, saving time and hassle, so you can focus on marketing and growing your business.

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Stay compliant effortlessly with our notification services. We provide updates on changes to your licensing requirements and reminders for renewals, helping you avoid fines and disruptions.

Two women smiling while packaging items at a table; one holds a barcode scanner, and the other types on a laptop, with cardboard boxes and tape displayed in front of them.
Two women smiling while packaging items at a table; one holds a barcode scanner, and the other types on a laptop, with cardboard boxes and tape displayed in front of them.

Ready to simplify your licensing & permitting journey?

Starting a business comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Securing the necessary licenses and permits lays a solid foundation for your business to thrive. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand, understanding and fulfilling your licensing and permitting requirements is essential for long-term success.

LegalZoom can help you navigate the process with ease. Get your personalized business license report today and focus on what you do best—running your business

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Frequently asked questions
Ready to get started with business licenses?

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Learn more about business licenses

Why you need a business license

Is a business license needed to form an LLC?

How to apply for a business license

*Based on a survey of small business owners commissioned by LegalZoom (2023).
†The service renews automatically each year and is billed to your card. Renewal prices are subject to change. You can cancel renewals anytime by visiting your LegalZoom account or by calling us at (855) 692-3700. For more details, please see our Subscription Terms.