Contract templates

Contracts ensure clarity and legality in business and personal transactions. Discover our comprehensive collection of professionally drafted contract templates tailored for various needs. Secure your contracts with confidence!
Bridal Makeup Contract

Bridal Makeup Contract

Establish the terms and conditions between the makeup artist and the bride with a bridal makeup contract. Protect the business interest of the makeup artist while ensuring the right plan for the bride.

Commercial Photography Contract

Commercial Photography Contract

Secure your photography projects effectively with a commercial photography contract. Clearly outline rights, fees, and project details for smooth collaboration between the photographer and client.

Entertainment Contract

Entertainment Contract

Ensure your entertainment events go smoothly with a well-drafted entertainment contract. Protect performers and organizers by specifying terms, fees, and expectations.

Event Contract

Event Contract

Plan and organize your events smoothly with an event contract. Use the contract to explain event details, pricing, and other relevant terms.

Facebook Marketing Contract

Facebook Marketing Contract

Define your marketing campaign deliverables, goals, and timelines with a Facebook marketing contract. Simplify collaborations for marketing projects.

Freelance Artist Contract

Freelance Artist Contract

Clearly outline the terms of your artistic projects with a freelance artist contract. Specify deliverables, payment terms, and copyright ownership to protect your work and ensure smooth collaborations.

General Contractor Services Contract

General Contractor Services Contract

Ensure clarity and accountability for your construction projects with a services contract. Define the scope of construction services, terms, and liabilities between a general contractor and their client.

Housekeeping Contract

Housekeeping Contract

Define cleaning schedules, duties, and payment terms for your housekeeping services. Protect your business interests and build client trust with a housekeeping contract.

HVAC Maintenance Contract

HVAC Maintenance Contract

Outline the scope of maintenance services and pricing with an HVAC maintenance contract. Offer optimal plans and provide the best customer service.

Marketing Contract

Marketing Contract

Partner with agencies and clients and easily devise successful marketing campaigns using a marketing contract. Clearly define each party's roles and responsibilities.

Musician Contract

Musician Contract

Ensure a smooth collaboration between musicians and clients with a musician contract. Define performance terms, payment details, and cancellation policies clearly for your music gigs.

Royalty Contract

Royalty Contract

Protect your creative work and establish clear terms for royalty payments with a royalty contract. Define usage rights, revenue shares, and obligations to secure both parties and streamline negotiations.

Service Contract

Service Contract

Use a service contract to outline responsibilities, expectations, and payment details when providing a service. Protect your business interests and ensure smooth client interactions.

Snow Removal Contract

Snow Removal Contract

Ensure smooth snow removal operations with a snow removal contract. Define service details, responsibilities, and timelines to keep properties safe and accessible during winter.

Teacher Contract

Teacher Contract

Create a teacher contract to build a stable and professional working environment. Support the school's educational mission and protect the rights and interests of both teachers and employers.

Temporary Employment Contract

Temporary Employment Contract

Define temporary work terms with a temporary employment contract. Specify roles, responsibilities, duration, and conditions for a smooth employment arrangement.

Web Development Contract

Web Development Contract

Secure your web development projects with a comprehensive contract to protect your interests and clarify expectations. Enjoy peace of mind and a professional working relationship.

Website Standard Terms and Conditions

Website Standard Terms and Conditions

Establish clear guidelines for website usage with a website terms and conditions contract. Define user responsibilities, privacy policies, and legal disclaimers to protect your website and users.

Wedding DJ Contract

Wedding DJ Contract

Clearly define expectations and deliverables between the DJ and the client with a wedding DJ contract. Plan the wedding celebrations with the right music and entertainment.

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I found everything I needed and was impressed with the language in the documents. I love the additional services offered by LZ and will be using those too.
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I needed to have a legal document prepared in very short order . . . LZ helped me get done what needed to be done.
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My experience was extremely positive! Had I not found this resource I may have given up when faced with so many unfamiliar legal documents. I will be back!
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