Estate Planning
Plan for your future today. Learn the specific estate planning documents you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Create a Living Trust in Nevada
When you’re considering your estate planning options, a Nevada living trust can provide a variety of benefits. A revocable living trust (sometimes called an inter vivos trust) provides control over your assets and offers privacy and security.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in Washington, D.C.
A Washington, D.C., living trust holds your assets in trust during your life, but you continue to use and control them. After you die, the trust assets are distributed to your chosen beneficiaries. A revocable living trust (also called an inter vivos trust) offers a variety of estate planning benefits.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in Missouri
A living trust can help you avoid the expensive and time consuming probate process. Find out more about living trusts in Missouri and how they can help you protect your property.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in South Dakota
A living trust in South Dakota allows you to continue to have possession of your assets while they are owned in trust during your life. They are then distributed after your death according to your wishes. A revocable living trust (sometimes known as an inter vivos trust) can be an important estate planning tool.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in Massachusetts
When you pass away, your family may have to spend a lot of time and money as your assests go through the probate process. A last will won't avoid this process but a living trust can. Find out more about living trusts in Massachusetts and how they can help you.
· 3 min read
Create a Living Trust in Idaho
A living trust can help your family avoid the frustrations of probate court when you pass away. Rather than have your property go through probate court, you could use a living trust to avoid the process. Learn more about living trusts in Idaho.
· 3 min read
Create a Living Trust in Delaware
A living trust is a powerful estate planning tool that protects your assets in life and after you pass away. Learn more about living trusts in Delaware.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in Virginia
A living trust in Virginia is an estate planning option that allows you to place your assets in trust while continuing to use and control them. The trust passes the assets to your beneficiaries after your death. A revocable living trust (inter vivos trust) offers unique control and flexibility.
· 4 min read
Do I Need a Living Trust?
If you have heard the term “living trust" floating around, you've probably wondered, “Do I need a living trust?" As with many legal questions, the answer is “maybe," so let's talk more about what a living trust is, how it differs from a last will, and what you should consider when deciding whether to make a living trust or not. And then let's wrap up with why you should, absolutely, have at least some legal document that provides for the disposition of your assets after your death.
· 4 min read
Create a Living Trust in Nebraska
A Nebraska living trust holds your assets in trust while you have full use and control over them during life and then distributes them after your death. A revocable living trust (also called an inter vivos trust) offers many protections and benefits that may be a good fit as part of your estate planning.
· 4 min read