Estate Planning
Plan for your future today. Learn the specific estate planning documents you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Do You Know the Top Reasons to Avoid Probate?
If you have heard anything about probate, you were probably told to avoid it at all costs. However, you may not know what it is, what the drawbacks are and most importantly, how best to avoid it.
· 3 min read
Protect Your Prized Pet: Create a Pet Trust
Since 87% of Americans consider their pets to be family members, making a pet trust is only logical. There's no greater sense of security than knowing you've provided for all your family, whether two-legged, four-legged, or feathered. Read more to find out how to create a pet trust.
· 3 min read
What Happens to Credit Card Debt When You Die?
You've done all the research and made sure your assets will be distributed to your heirs, but what happens to your credit card debt? And what about when you have more debts than assets? Get the skinny on how the courts settle your debt when you die.
· 2 min read
Using & Managing an Inheritance
For heirs, the loss of a loved one is often devastating, and making decisions about how to use an inheritance can be daunting. It is important to remember, though, that your benefactor included you because he or she wanted to protect and provide for you. Whether it's a huge windfall or a more modest sum that comes your way, here are some ideas for managing inheritance if you're not sure what to do.
· 2 min read
The Last Will & Testament: A Look Back
It's been called one of the most important legal documents you will ever have. Yet where the will came from and how it's been used over the centuries is a mystery. Discover a little history of the last will and testament—including a look back at the oldest known will, and the shortest, longest and most beautifully written wills. Plus, find out what Shakespeare left his heirs and when is the right time to do your will
· 3 min read
Trust Mills: What to Watch Out For
If you've never heard of a trust mill, consider yourself lucky, but also be wary. There's a growing segment of trust “advisors” trying to convince unsuspecting Americans to transfer their investments into riskier ventures. Here's what you need to know and what to do about it.
· 3 min read
How We Can Learn from Philip Seymour Hoffman's Last Will
Change is a part of life. But sometimes, people forget that when it comes to estate planning.
· 4 min read
Summer Camp or Vacation: What Legal Documents Do Your Kids Need?
If your children will be away from home without you, send along these key documents to prevent travel troubles and help ensure they'll be able to get medical treatment if they need it.
· 3 min read
7 Tips for Getting Rid of Your Parents' Lifelong Possessions
It's a topic no one likes to think about: the inevitable clean-out of your parents' belongings. But as with many uncomfortable subjects, the best way to approach this one is to plan and start now. Here are some tips to help make the process easier, not only for you but also for your parents and other loved ones. 1. Talk to your parents If your parents are still around and can communicate their wishes, involve them in the process. Do your best to balance being sensitive to their preferences with practical concerns.
· 4 min read
Estate Taxes: What They Are and How to Plan for Them
Learn the basics about estate taxes and how you can plan to avoid or reduce them in this short primer.
· 3 min read