Intellectual Property
Protect your work from copycats. Learn the difference between trademarks, copyrights, and patents so you can safeguard your intellectual property.
Top 5 Accidental Inventions & Discoveries
From a vengeful chef who created a classic treat to a scientist whose moldy Petri dishes became a life-saving medication, some of today's best-known inventions were the result of accidental discoveries.
· 3 min read
8 Basic Facts Every Musician Should Know About Copyright Law
You've worked long and hard on your original music. How can you keep others from using and profiting from your music without your consent? Here's what you need to know to protect yourself.
· 3 min read
Let's Get Ready to Rumble: Trademarking Your Catch Phrase
How to get the maximum mileage out of your catch phrase? Develop a distinctive one, use it in interstate commerce, and register it with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
· 3 min read
Copyright Laws and School Performances
What are the legal ramifications of putting on a copyrighted play? Do you need copyright permission? Can you sell tickets to the play and take a profit? Is any of it legal? Let's go behind the scenes to find out of your school play is breaking the law.
· 3 min read
Christmas Carols & IP Rights
This holiday season, many of us download and play Christmas carols to our heart's content without any thought to copyright ownership. By downloading and playing these songs, are we infringing on the author's copyright protection? Check out this primer on intellectual property rights, including what's protected, how long it's protected for.
· 4 min read
Honoring George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver rose from slavery to become one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.
· 4 min read
Blogging and Intellectual Property Law
Following these guidelines can help you stay on the right side of the law and understand your own rights.
· 6 min read
Does Your U.S. Patent, Trademark, or Copyright Protect You Overseas?
Your intellectual property is protected here at home—but what about abroad?
· 3 min read
Superhero Intellectual Property Disputes
Many of our best-loved superheroes have been the subjects of intellectual property disputes. It takes authors, comic book publishers, and movie studios to build iconic superhero franchises, but who gets the credit—and the cash—for bringing our heroes to life?
· 2 min read
E-Publishing and the Importance of Copyright
With the popularity of e-books and growth of the technology to support them, electronic publishing has become a lot easier. Yet with that ease and a wide open marketplace, it becomes even more important you take the necessary steps to protect your creative work with a copyright.
· 2 min read