Legal Forms
Read our guides to the forms you might encounter in your life and business from contracts and affidavits, to NDAs and bills of sale.
Protect Your Kitty with a Cat Bill of Sale
You're busy falling in love with the cat or kitten you are buying, but don't get distracted! For the sale to be legal, you need a cat bill of sale. Get the information you need about cat bills of sale.
· 3 min read
Pros and Cons of Using an Unsecured Promissory Note
If you are considering either borrowing or lending money with a promissory note, be sure you know the pros and cons of using an unsecured promissory note.
· 3 min read
Pros and Cons of Having a Purchasing Agent
A good purchasing agent can play an important role in the ongoing success of your business. Find out what a purchasing agent does and what should be included in a purchasing agent agreement.
· 3 min read
Collect on Your Demand Promissory Note with a Demand for Payment Letter
A demand letter is the legal tool you can use to collect the outstanding balance on a demand promissory note. Get the details on when and how to use a demand letter.
· 4 min read
Creating an Invoice Template for Your Business
Using an invoice template lets you send out invoices that have a consistent, professional look. Learn about what your invoices should include, as well as several ways to create your own invoice template for your business.
· 4 min read
How to Make an Unsecured Promissory Note Work for Your Business
If you plan to start or expand a business, you should know how an unsecured promissory note might help fund your startup or expansion.
· 4 min read
Using a Florida General Affidavit Form
Whether you need to file a Florida affidavit in a court case, business dealing, or otherwise, a general affidavit form can help make sure you have all the necessary information to make the document valid.
· 3 min read
Using a Vehicle Bill of Sale
Many states require private sellers of vehicles to prepare a bill of sale to record the transaction. Follow these easy DIY guidelines to prepare a valid and legally binding document.
· 3 min read
The Importance of Rent Receipts for Landlords and Tenants
Although not required in all states, rent receipts are useful for both landlords and tenants. Learn what information to include in this important document—and how it might help with your taxes.
· 3 min read
Protect Your Pup with a Dog Bill of Sale
Adding a dog to your family is an important event, and you want to be sure your purchase of the dog is legal and binding. Find out how to use a dog bill of sale for your purchase.
· 3 min read