Legal Forms
Read our guides to the forms you might encounter in your life and business from contracts and affidavits, to NDAs and bills of sale.
Sharing Fido: Does Your State Have Pet Custody Laws?
Conflicts over a pet can be just as important to divorcing spouses as any issue when both spouses have developed a special connection to a companion pet and wish to maintain it. This feeling can be even greater where the couple has no children, and the dog or cat has taken on the role of the couple's "child." But unlike real children, for which extensive case law and statutory measures exist, pets have been largely ignored as a critical concern in a divorce.
· 4 min read
When Is a Promissory Note Negotiable?
Learn when a promissory note is negotiable, and how to make a promissory note non-negotiable.
· 3 min read
Protect Your Confidential Business Information with a Unilateral Nondisclosure Agreement
Every business has some information that it would like to keep private from competitors and others outside of the company. Such confidential information can be protected with a unilateral nondisclosure agreement.
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Keep Your Company Secrets Safe with an Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
Either alone or along with other employee contracts, an employee nondisclosure agreement can help protect your company's important confidential business information.
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Using an NDA When You're Building a Business Plan
Starting a new company requires you to share your business plan with a variety of investors, banks, and potential partners. Here's how to protect your confidential information.
· 4 min read
The Pros and Cons of a Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement
If you are considering a business venture that involves disclosing confidential information, you should make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of a mutual nondisclosure agreement (NDA).
· 3 min read
9 Tips for Negotiating Your NDA
Use these tips to negotiate an NDA that will keep your information as secure as possible.
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What to Do When You Lose Your Promissory Note
There's no need to panic if you lose a promissory note, but you need to know what actions to take to reestablish the note. This is necessary to protect both you and the borrower.
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Ensure Independent Contractors Keep Your Company Secrets Safe with a NDA
Thinking about working with an independent contractor who might be exposed to your trade secrets? Protect your company's confidential information with an NDA.
· 3 min read
Writing a Roommate Agreement
As a tenant, you have certain rights and duties. If the landlord lists your roommate on the lease, your roommate is a co-tenant, with the same rights you have. If, however, you take on a roommate with a lease that only you have signed as tenant, then that person isn't a co-tenant, and you're actually in a landlord-tenant relationship with your roommate.
· 4 min read