Estate Planning
Plan for your future today. Learn the specific estate planning documents you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Do You Even Need a Last Will?
A will can give you great peace of mind and make things easier on your loved ones left behind, but do you really need one?
· 3 min read
Living Trust vs. Will: Which One Should You Choose?
Living trusts and wills are both good options for estate planning. Understanding the differences between them can help you decide which one is right for you.
· 4 min read
Inheritance Rights: Do Your Closest Relatives Have a Right to Claim Part of Your Estate?
Who inherits your estate depends not only on what you bequeath in your will, but state law can override some provisions in your will. Find out what your rights are and how to protect your estate.
· 4 min read
The Probate Process: Four Simple Steps
Knowing what probate actually involves will help ease your fears about the process, one that isn't always as complex as you might think.
· 3 min read
How to Write a Codicil to a Will
You can amend your will with a written codicil, but it's not always a good idea.
· 3 min read
Can Estranged Relatives Contest Your Will After You Die?
Your will is intended to make sure your assets are distributed the way you'd like after your death. But if there's an estranged relative in the picture, you might be nervous about challenges.
· 4 min read
What Happens if Your Domestic Partner Dies Without a Will
Have you and your domestic partner created estate plans? If not, you need to know what happens when a domestic partner dies without a will.
· 3 min read
How to Get Motivated: 6 Steps to a Good Will
People think of wills as the best way to pass along the assets they have gathered over a lifetime. But a will plays another role—it can be the best way to keep the peace among your family and friends, who may have different ideas of what you really want.
· 2 min read
Without a Will, What Will Happen to Zappos CEO's Fortune?
Without a will in place, the fate of the former Zappos CEO's fortune is now in the hands of the courts.
· 3 min read
How Quickly Are Wills Probated After Death?
Because an estate cannot be distributed to the beneficiaries until the will is probated, the length of time of the probate process directly affects beneficiaries.
· 3 min read