Estate Planning
Plan for your future today. Learn the specific estate planning documents you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
What Does a Living Trust Do?
A living trust can help you avoid the hassles and delays of probate and has other benefits as well.
· 3 min read
What Is Federal Inheritance Tax vs. Estate Taxes?
An inheritance tax is different from an estate tax. Whether you have to pay one, both, or neither depends upon the state where you live.
· 7 min read
Common Terms in Wills and Trusts
When you first begin working on your will or trust, you may find some of the terms are unfamiliar. Find out what these legal terms mean.
· 4 min read
Protect Your Disabled Child with a Special Needs Trust
Parents with special needs children must take extra care with their estate planning. To ensure that the children receive appropriate care and support after their parents are gone, most experts recommend creating a special needs trust.
· 3 min read
Who Is a Trustee?
In estate planning, two primary instruments to transfer property come to mind: the first is a will, the second is a trust. A will is easy to understand; you say what someone gets, they get it. The concept behind a trust is somewhat more complex, and you need trustees. So what is a trustee, and what function does that person serve?
· 3 min read
Joint Last Wills and Testaments
Joint last wills and testaments provide for the disposition of the assets of two people, most often a husband and wife although they can be between any two people. A joint will is one document and is also known by the term “mutual will,” but it should not be confused with a “mirror will,” which refers to a will that is identical to another will.
· 3 min read
Legatee, Heir, Beneficiary, and Devisee: What Are the Differences?
A quick guide to the language of inheritance to help you make sense of who's who in an estate plan.
· 3 min read
The Case Against Joint Wills for Married Couples
Making one will for two people is usually not advisable because it's irrevocable after the first spouse's death.
· 4 min read
Last Wills of Former U.S. Presidents
From minimum wage workers to the president of the United States, everyone should have a will. Many individuals can make a will themselves. People who own multiple pieces of property, have more complicated families, or have achieved celebrity status may want to consult with a lawyer to create their last will and testament.
· 3 min read
12 Things that Are Wrong with Your Last Will
Don't make these common mistakes when writing your last will.
· 3 min read