Take a few simple steps to safeguard your brand. See how trademarks can protect your logos, slogans, company name, and more.
Trademarking Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day is a tradition dating back over 100 years in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The star attraction, a groundhog known as Punxsutawney Phil, makes weather 'predictions' based on his shadow. The day has become big business for the savvy local Groundhog Club that trademarked the name Punxsutawney Phil. Get some tips on how to recognize a trademark and how to trademark a distinctive sign.
· 4 min read
Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes
Applying for a trademark can be a difficult process. Avoid these seven common mistakes people make when they get a trademark.
· 5 min read
How Do I Choose a Trademark Class?
Choosing a trademark class can be the most difficult and confusing part of filling out a trademark application. Here are some tips to help you understand trademark classes and pick the correct one.
· 4 min read
Do You Need a Lawyer to File a Trademark?
Whether or not you need a trademark attorney depends on your situation, though keep in mind that making sure your registration is done right the first time could actually save you time and money.
· 3 min read
Can a Trademark for 'SEAL Team 6' Be Registered?
Within 48 hours of Osama bin Laden's death at the hands 'SEAL Team 6,' Walt Disney Corp. filed an application to register the name as a trademark. And Disney is just one of the many companies trying to capitalize on this and other real-life events.
· 3 min read
5 Trademark Mistakes You Can Learn From
Registering a trademark requires investments of both time and money, so you'll want to avoid some of the most common mistakes.
· 4 min read
Defend Your Trademark with a Cease and Desist Letter
Your efforts to build a brand can be thwarted by trademark infringers who can besmirch your reputation by offering inferior goods and services under your trademark. Learn how cease and desist letters can help stop trademark infringement.
· 4 min read
Defend Your Trademark with a Certification of Cease and Desist
Trademark infringement can sap your business of sales while doing damage to hard-earned brand reputation. Learn how a certification of cease and desist can help you enforce your rights and stop infringement.
· 3 min read
What to Do if You're the Victim of Cybersquatting
What do you do if someone has already registered the name of your business or product as a domain? Worse yet, what if the domain owner is using the site to harm your business? And what can you do to prevent cybersquatting in the first place? Get answers here.
· 4 min read
Resolving Domain Name Disputes Online: Lay Claim to Your Domain
Calvin Klein did it. Julia Roberts did it, too. And they did it online. These superstars wrested back control of registered domain names containing their well-recognized names using online dispute resolution. And you don't have to be rich or famous to do the same thing when you expand your successful start-up to the online global market.
· 4 min read