U.S. Law
Get the rundown on a wide spectrum of laws that touch on everything from immigration and equal rights, to how to win a small claims or criminal case.
How to File a Complaint Against a Doctor
Know the difference between an administrative compliant and medical malpractice.
· 3 min read
Top Craziest Laws Still on the Books
Did you know it's illegal to educate dogs in Hartford, Connecticut? Or fall asleep under a hair dryer in Florida? In most states, you'll find a number of bizarre laws like these still exist on the books.
· 4 min read
When Should You Sue?
The foundation of every civil lawsuit starts with an injury or a loss. Defining the nature of the injury or loss sets the lawsuit’s course. Find out how to identify your injury or loss and look at the broader context of a lawsuit.
· 5 min read
What Kind of Power Does the UN Wield Internationally?
Although the roles and regulations of the United Nations are constantly challenged, the U.N. is the only forum where nations from all over the world can gather to discuss important issues involving international peace and security. Its primary mission is the same today as it was when it was formed in 1945—to maintain world peace.
· 4 min read
Understanding Informed Consent
Health care providers must obtain informed consent from patients before providing any treatment or procedure. What exactly is informed consent, and how much are they supposed to tell you? Understand your rights and how to protect yourself.
· 4 min read
Telemedicine: The Future of Health Care
Telemedicine is future medicine. While telemedicine companies are pushing the boundaries—allowing patients to speak with a doctor on their favorite computer device—legal and regulatory issues play a key role in how companies offer services.
· 5 min read
How Private Are Your Medical Records?
Whether medical records are computerized, online, or simply on paper, there is always an element of human error and the danger of misappropriation. So, just how private are your medical records?
· 4 min read
Top Tips to Deal with a Neighbor Disputes
At some point everyone has had a neighbor that plays their music too loud or thinks the only way to park a car is on bricks. Neighbor disputes are quite common. But you don't have to go to uncommon lengths to work out your differences.
· 3 min read
Criminal Defenses: Excuse and Exculpation Defenses
You're on trial for a crime, but you don't think you should be convicted even though yes, you did commit the crime. Is this possible? Absolutely.
· 8 min read
What You Tweet Can and Will Be Held Against You: Why You Might Want to Think Twice About that Social Media Post
Social media makes it easy to share a gripe about your boss or workplace. But is doing so a fast track to a pink slip? Find out why you might want to pause before posting negatively about work.
· 3 min read