U.S. Law
Get the rundown on a wide spectrum of laws that touch on everything from immigration and equal rights, to how to win a small claims or criminal case.
Car Accidents: Proving Fault
If you are in a car accident, the key to recovering payment for injuries or property damage may lie in your ability to help prove the fault of the other driver. Learn basic steps you can take to get the evidence you may need.
· 5 min read
DUI Penalties and Punishments
DUI penalties can range from jail time and fines to community service, and depend on many factors. Read on for all you need to know regarding potential DUI consequences.
· 3 min read
Dealing with DUI Charges
If you're facing DUI charges, you'll want to know what to expect from the legal process you're about to face. Here's a primer.
· 4 min read
Social Media and the Law 5 Things You Need to Know
Social media is an excellent way to promote your business, but before you start posting, it's important to understand the potential legal implications of your activity.
· 4 min read
U.S. Green Cards and Work Visas: Who Qualifies?
Are you interested in obtaining a green card or a work visa to live and work in the United States? Find out if you may qualify.
· 5 min read
Marijuana DUI: How Marijuana Use Can Be Considered a DUI
The recent arrest of an NFL player for driving under the influence of marijuana has put this little-known crime into the spotlight. Here's what you need to know about marijuana DUIs.
· 4 min read
Wearable Health Technology: Healthcare Dream or Privacy Nightmare?
Soon, you won’t visit your doctor; instead, you’ll be wearing your 'doctor.' We’re moving from physical medicine, to online health, to mobile care (m-health), to wearable health tech, to implantable medicine.
· 6 min read
Libel Laws and the Truth: What if the Statement Is True?
Did you know a wedding announcement can be claimed as libelous? The word libel commonly describes injury to a person's reputation but libel damages may also include emotional distress. However, libel can occur in words, pictures, graphic images, and any other publishable forms. Read more to find out what you need to know about libel.
· 3 min read
Plea-Bargaining in Capital Murder Cases: Is It Fair to Victims?
Plea-bargaining in capital murder cases saves taxpayers millions in court costs. But, does it provide justice for victims or their families?
· 4 min read
The Truth About Eminent Domain
Eminent domain actually dates back to the founding of our country. For the most part, "public use" has been defined as building roads, schools, bridges, and public structures. In the 1950s, definitions of eminent domain expanded. Courts began to approve the transfer of private property to public use in the name of "slum clearance." In short, economic redevelopment became a justification for eminent domain.
· 3 min read