U.S. Law
Get the rundown on a wide spectrum of laws that touch on everything from immigration and equal rights, to how to win a small claims or criminal case.
Who Is Hamdan? the Case of Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld
In November 2001, then-President George Bush, as part of his war on terror, issued an executive order which authorized the trial of those persons considered "enemy combatants" via military commission. Bypassing Congress, Bush's order was clear that these "foreign nationals" would have no ability to "invoke rights under any other body of law, U.S. or international" and that "justice was to be dispensed swiftly, close to where our forces may be fighting, without years of pretrial proceedings or post-trial appeals."
· 4 min read
Take 'Em to Court: Suing in Small Claims Court
Give yourself the best possible chance of prevailing on your claim in small claims court by understanding the process and being prepared.
· 5 min read
Suing in California Small Claims Court: Step by Step
Almost any dispute can be taken to small claims court, provided the amount of money requested falls within the maximum allowed by California law.
· 4 min read
What's the Deal with Lie Detectors?
The history and current worldview of lie detectors.
· 5 min read
How Does the Impeachment Process Work?
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was impeached. How does the impeachment process work?
· 3 min read
Collecting Your Small Claims Judgment
You may have won your small claims case, but now you need to collect.
· 4 min read
Small Claims Court: How to Get Your Security Deposit Back
By following these steps to file a complaint in small claims court, you'll have the best chance of having your security deposit returned to you.
· 5 min read
Fake News: What Laws Are Designed to Protect
The line between 'fake news' and 'real news' can seem awfully blurry. Can the legal system do anything to stop it?
· 3 min read
The Facts About Age Discrimination
Learn how to determine if you have been discriminated against and what you can do if age discrimination occurs at your employer.
· 4 min read
Know Your Rights When It Comes to Job Discrimination
Job discrimination is absolutely illegal. If you believe you have been discriminated against, there is recourse available, both within your workplace and beyond.
· 4 min read